Stars Hollow Monthly Unboxing

Stars Hollow Monthly Unboxing

It’s no secret that I, like most of you, am a HUGE Gilmore Girls fan. I watched the show religiously as it aired, and I’ve re-watched the entire show probably more times that I am willing to admit. So, with the excitement of the upcoming Netflix reboot (is it November yet?) the lovely people over at LitCube jumped at the opportunity to put out a Gilmore Girls themed subscription box – Stars Hollow Monthly. Stars Hollow Monthly contains 3-5 products inspired by Gilmore Girls featuring everything from home decor to bath and body products.

Now, I’m not the biggest fan of subscription boxes in general but I am a sucker for a good theme – and by that I usually mean themes based on my favourite TV shows, so of course I caved and had to give Stars Hollow Monthly a shot. So let’s take a look at what I got in my July Stars Hollow Monthly:

Stars Hollow Monthly Unboxing

First, let me start off by saying that the actual packaging is ADORABLE. I love the gazebo, umbrellas and coffee cups on the box and the little Luke’s Diner menu where they tell you about each of the items.

Stars Hollow Monthly Unboxing

The “main item” this month was this double-walled porcelain travel mug with Luke’s Diner on it. This item alone made the box worth it for me because if you know me, I love my coffee and travel mugs are perfect for stopping in at my favourite coffee shop to grab an almond milk latte before work. To go with the mug, they also included a packet of Boca Java’s Boca Sunrise coffee and a coupon code for their site.

Stars Hollow Monthly Unboxing

The next item was a pack of four acrylic coasters with Dragonfly Inn on them. These are actually super cute and surprisingly well made, and I’ll definitely be using them in my house.

Stars Hollow Monthly Unboxing

The final item in the box was this little pill/trinket box that has “I’m afraid once your heart’s involved in all comes out in moron” which is a Lorelei quote from the episode Kiss and Tell (S1 E7). I’m honestly not sure if I’ll make use of this, it’s cute but I’m just not sure what I would keep in it (it’s pretty tiny) and it would probably get lost in my purse if I used it as a pill box for a few Motrin or something.

Overall, I think they included some really great items in their July box. I’m not sure I’d order any future boxes (I just ordered this one to try it out) but I was satisfied with the quality of the items and I can see myself using most of them which is good, and more than I can say about 95% of sub boxes I’ve tried out. Not to mention, Luke’s is one of my favourite things about Gilmore Girls so I’m very happy that I got the box that I did because that mug! Oh my god, that mug!

Have you checked out the Stars Hollow Monthly box? What items would you hope to see in future boxes? Let me know in the comments.

Signature Geeks and Lattes

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12 thoughts on “Stars Hollow Monthly Unboxing

  1. :O This box is amazing! Like you, I’m not sure I’d have any use for the trinket box, but that travel mug ❤ I need it in my life. It's just perfect. I wish I'd found out about this sooner, I've never seen a Gilmore Girls themed mystery box before.


  2. I love that they have a themed box just for Gilmore Girls! I totally missed the boat for this show when it was on TV, and have literally never seen an episode. :O Someday I’ll have to sit down and watch it!


  3. That’s such an amazing theme for a subscription box. I’m rewatching the series right now with my mom, and we’re both absolutely loving it. I cannot wait for the new season!


    • I re-watched it a few months ago…and I’m seriously considering re-watching it again but twice in less than a year may be verging on the crazy side, no?


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